

You will find below some tips that you might find useful during the application process for your project:

  1. Before you start, make sure your project meets every funder’s criteria;
  2. Download the official applicati on form made available by the funder;
  3. Before you start to write, read the form carefully and identi fy the requested informati on. Understand the instructi ons and which informati on is expected by the funder. Write down the main different categories and sub-categories for every part of the form, this will help you to know afterwards which parts have been completed ;

  4. Identi fy which suppor ting documents are requested by the funder. A partnership agreement will have to be signed between the project leader and each partner. Moreover, each partner will have to introduce themselves in the form. Send the informa tion to the partners as soon as possible; ask them to sign the agreement and to fill in their dedicated part within the form. Set up a deadline for sending the documents to the lead partner at least one week before the official deadline for bids submission ;
  5. A project summary might be requested in the form: you should start first with that part because it will help you to organise your ideas for selling your project to the funder;
  6. Regarding the other parts of the form, you should print a blank form and write down the main ideas, the arguments, the sta tisti cs, etc. that you will need to answer the questi on. You don’t have to follow the order of the form, you can start with the parts that inspire you the most and go back to the others later;
  7. Once the form has been completed, ask to a person who doesn’t know your project to read the bid and to summarise the project to you. This will be helpful for you to be sure that your project will be understood by the funder as such. NOTE: Be careful on the quality of wri ting and avoid spelling and grammar mistakes. You should avoid jargon too;
  8. Put together the parts filled in by the partners and the suppor ting documents;
  9. Make sure you have met every funder’s condi tion for the application form and add every requested document. You can now submit your bid by following funder’s instructi ons.

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